Thursday, December 27, 2007

Baby's 1st Christmas

Katie celebrated her first Christmas this week. She was somewhat involved in opening presents with just Mommy and Daddy. She loved the wrapping paper and the musical caterpillar we got her was a hit. It has songs for each number, color and also also plays classical music. She also received a new onesie, an"IRS Deduction" bib, teething toys and stacking rings.

At Christmas #2 (at my parents'), Katie ended up sleeping through the gift exchange. She did watch stockings and loved the teddy bear that she received. She also showed off by doing her flip, on the floor. She was spoiled yet again - a piano, walking rider, outfits, Cheesecake Factory bear, JMU hoodie and pants, JMU booties, a set of fuzzy books, a soft cell phone and much more. It must be good being a baby!


Anonymous said...

Don't be so sure on the IRS deduction... Greg and I might be able to deduct because we have lola now, but most people around here make too much to get the $1000 child tax credit!!! If only the government could understand that people who make that much also pay out the ARSE in daycare!!!! I think we fronted 12 grand last year in child care alone!!

Anonymous said...

BTW are you going back to work soon? Or are you taking an extended leave? I'm supposed to go back in April and I'm hating the thought of it already!!!

Jess said...

Yes :( I go back next week. My manager doesn't care what I do, so I'm going to be telecommuting 2 days a week...or at least TRYING to. We'll see how it goes! I'm just hoping that she likes daycare :(

Anonymous said...

ugh... crappy!!

She's too young to really like or dislike daycare, but she'll most def notice you're not around. What is most important will be her stability, so don't swap daycares once you find one. The first two years of life are critical for emotional and cognitive develpment. Stability is a must! IF you're still bringing her to Jennifer Groat's daycare, I'm sure you're in good hands. Jennifer's kids are all wonderful.