Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Week 5

I just wanted to thank Jr. for linking me on his site. I wish I had started this when I found out I was pregnant, too. I'm sure I'd have a few funny stories, but my pregnancy was overall uneventful. I didn't have much pain, only craved cereal and fruit (not exciting) and gained about 5-7 pounds. My labor was the only stressful time of my pregnancy. So, I guess I'm a good prego...and just not so good at the delivery part.

Week 5 was similar to the other weeks. Feeding, changing poopy diapers, washing poop from baby clothes and taking more pictures. She watched her first Eagles game and so I had to snap some pics of her cheerleading outfit.

Wow, 3 posts in 1 day? I guess the 30 minute trip to Harris Teeter really tired her out. I should do that every day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To celebrate week 5, I present you (and any other mothers out there), a coupon (15% off at Babies 'R Us).