Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Bargain: Free books
Want to try some new books (or give them as gifts)? Sign up here for 3 free books:
Monday, December 28, 2009
Bargain: Free items at Harris Teeter
I went yesterday and lucked out with tons of free items. Here are some of the best printable deals, if you want to make a trip.
* Weight Watchers Snack Cakes, Cookies or Muffins $1.99
Print $1 coupon, doubles to $2 = item will be free
*Coffee-Mate Creamer 16 oz $2
Print $1 coupon, doubles to $2 = item will be free
*Ore Ida Easy Fries $1.45
Print $1.50/2 coupon, doubles to $3 = buy 2 and items will be free
*Wholly Guacomole $1.99 (in produce section)
Print $1 coupon, doubles to $2 = item will be free
*Lip Smackers $1.99
Print $1 coupon, doubles to $2 = item will be free
*Lance crackers $2.00
Print $1 coupon, doubles to $2 = item will be free
*Contessa seafood on sale for $2.50-$4 Print $1.50 coupon, doubles to $3 = items will be $1.00-$3 if you buy two
2010 - Let's save some money!
My goal is to start saving even more money to afford our dream kitchen renovation!
Below are some of my favorite sites to get you started. Look for shopping tips to start in 2010!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Early December (Part 2)

Katie watched the Rockettes and practiced their moves. Maybe she'll try out one day!

We can't wait for Christmas with Uncle Mikey, Grandma and Grandpa. Now that Katie is starting to understand the holiday, it makes it so much more special. She loves Christmas music, lights that are "booootiful" and Santa's HO HO HO.
Time to start thinking about those fun New Years' resolutions...hmmm....
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Early December (Part 1)

Lots more to share, but this post is getting long. I will continue with Part 2 later this week!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Emily at 2 months

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
First trip to the dentist
Katie's teeth looked very good and she had no cavities. They said they see a lot of cavities in smaller kids because of bad brushing, sweets, etc. Luckily, Katie doesn't really like sweets and only gets a few ounces of juice a day. They did say her teeth looked a little more crowded than they would like, which sometimes means that her adult teeth will come in close together...but they said the braces discussion is still a far way off.
Grandma and Grandpa - you pay for braces, right? ;)
Overall, it wasn't an awful experience and they don't need to see her back for another year. The trip ended with a new green turtle toothbrush and a choice of prizes, but she was still "recovering" from the ordeal and so I picked a pink turtle for her. Since then, she's been carrying the turtle everywhere and had to call Grandma to tell her that her teeth were pretty.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I'm not sure there is anything worse than having something wrong with your child and not being able to "fix it". Our time spent in the NICU and our frequent visits to Chapel Hill's Children and Cancer hospitals have been extremely trying and makes you realize that 1) you should be thankful for every minute with your child and 2) there are parents and children in worse positions than you and it is awful.
About 6 months into my pregnancy, an ultrasound tech saw something small above Emily's kidney. From that point on, I was monitored weekly by a specialist that checked Emily's growth and the mass. After she was born, they confirmed that the mass was of significant size - about 4 cm. Fortunately, everything else has been great...good eating, breathing, etc. She was transported to Children's hospital for a few days and since then, we make monthly trips. Her case has been assigned to an pediatric oncologist and a pediatric surgeon. We love her oncologist and the entire Pediatric Cancer center...they are great people that have REALLY tough jobs.
In November, Emily went through an MIBG (radioactive dye that is inserted and scanned through a gamma machine), an MRI and a CT scan. The MIBG is used to identify cancers and unfortunately the adrenal mass did come up on the scan, leading the doctors to diagnose the mass as a neuroblastoma. Here is what I know about neuroblastomas, so far:
-Form of cancer found in children, which attacks nerve cells and forms a cancerous tumor
-Usually occurs in the adrenal gland (above/attached to the kidney)
-About 650 cases in the US per year
-Treatment options are surgery, radiation, chemo and clinical trial (Emily's mass is too big to be included in our doctor's clinical trial)
-4 stages (stage 1 is a tumor that can be completely removed with a cure rate of over 90%, up to stage 4 which occurs when the cancer has spread to areas like bone marrow and other organs with a cure rate of 50-80%)

The cure rate is much better when the neuroblastoma is detected before age 1, which makes me SO thankful to that one ultrasound tech who noticed something strange on my ultrasound. Neuroblastomas are the only form that can regress on their own, however Emily's is a little bigger than they normally see. On the other hand, it shrunk slightly last time, which gives us hope. We are due back to Chapel Hill in a few weeks, where she will be scanned again. If it has shrunk significantly, we can wait longer to see what happens. If it has stayed the same, they are suggesting surgery. Either way, it is our decision to make and I'm not sure how we are going to do it. Part of me just wants the tumor out, but that means surgery that has its own risks and they may need to remove her kidney in the process. I don't want her to lose a kidney, so it is a difficult decision to make.
I see these parents in the cancer center, sitting with their kids getting chemo and I wonder how they do it every day...both the kids and the parents. It is hard to think of something being wrong every time you look at your baby. I pray that in a year, Emily will be waddling around the house and we can look back and laugh about it all because she will be tumor and cancer free.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Emily's big debut
Grandma requested some Emily videos now that she is alert and starting to coo/smile. Of course, Katie couldn't miss out on the you will hear her narrating most of the time and coming in for kisses. In the second video, Katie said she wants to tell Emily about food and all I could make out was "french fries, chicken nuggets"...listen for it.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
New rug dance
Everytime we get a new rug, Katie has to break it in with her dancing. Today was no exception...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Eagles dance
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The best part of Halloween (for Katie)
Some think that the best part of Halloween is the candy (I sure do), but Katie thinks that it is running to the door when trick or treaters arrive. Of course, the better video was taken sideways...but I thought I'd share it anyway.
Happy Halloween!

One more video to upload later...stay tuned :)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sisterly love
Some recent Katie comments:
"Emily, don't cry, mommy/daddy will be right back."
After Emily cries "Oh, I go check her"
"I want to hug her/kiss her/hold her"
"Mommy, fix her head!" (when Emily's newborn neck makes her head flop to one side)

Monday, October 12, 2009
Bargain: 50% off select magazines
Take a look here and you may find one you like! They have Smart Money, Forbes, Good Housekeeping, Dwell, House Beautiful, Popular Science and a few others.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Bargain: Nursing Cover
They are normally $32. Even if you're not a mom this makes a great gift.
Thanks to Heather for forwarding this deal!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Emily's birth story
Sept 25th - 5am
Of course, I'm up early to make sure everything was in order. Grandma arrived a couple days ago to be on Katie duty and accompany me to the hospital for the big day. We all got up, got Katie ready for school and headed to the hospital.
Sept 25th - 11am
I was told to get there early because I needed extra fluids before surgery(due to low blood pressure). Instead, I spent extra time in the waiting room because they were out of triage rooms. I eventually got into a triage room where I received my IV and was prepped for surgery. The nurse came in to tell me that she had another patient that was starting to push, so I could be delayed anywhere from 30 min to 2 hours.

Sept 25th - 11:30am
My doctor came into my room to tell me that the other woman wasn't pushing very well and she doesn't want to make me wait, so she's going to deliver me first. What luck...that never happens! So, within minutes, I'm up and walking to the OR. Kisses to Mom, Mom Mom and hubby while they take me back to give me the spinal.
Sept 25th - 12pm
The OR temp feels to be set around 40 degrees. I'm sitting on the table shaking like crazy...I'm not sure if it was the temperature or the fact that a needle was being inserted in my spine. Either way, the nurses were amazing and huddled around me with warm blankets. As soon as the spinal block was inserted, I was told to lay straight down so that it could start to work. Within about 10 minutes, I couldn't move my legs and concentrated on taking deep breaths (spinals and epidurals numb your chest as well and make you think you are not breathing because you can't feel your lungs). Hubby was brought into the room and things got under way.
The surgery took a little longer than expected due to pretty bad scar tissue. She said it could be due to the way my body heals or because last time was an emergency deliver. Either way, she said I need to think twice about having a 3rd child as it could be pretty damaging. It was depressing news, but we will stick with the happy story. Unfortunately, the scar tissue required them to use a vacuum and forceps to deliver me.
Sept 25th - 12:48pm
Emily Grace is born! She was just perfect, although I didn't get to see her immediately. Andrew went to cut the cord and she was brought to me all clean and shiny! They let me hold her for about 10 minutes and then she was taken to the nursery.

I'm so happy to have my two beautiful girls!
More to come later...
Friday, September 25, 2009
6 more hours until I meet my baby!
I saw this quote on another blog today and had to steal it. It made me think of being a mother and how all I care about is EG (for those that don't know her name yet) being healthy and safe. I haven't even really thought about going through surgery, any risks or recovery. I have complained about hoping that my surgery time doesn't get bumped, so I guess I'm a little selfish there. Anyway...something to think about today, while I'm offline for a while...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Birthday weekend recap

Katie's birthday is not until Wednesday, but we decided to use this weekend to celebrate (since she won't be in school and I'm not in labor yet). I started off Katie's birthday by assembling the Elmo cupcakes. The final result was decent, although I knew she wouldn't eat them (I was right)...but oh well.

Friday, September 18, 2009
7 more days!
This weekend, we plan to celebrate Katie's birthday...which probably means some funny videos. We will definitely record tomorrow morning when she gets the first glimpse of her new kitchen (includes a fridge, microwave, oven, sink, cabinets, etc). It should be very interesting and I'm sure she won't want to break away from it.
Later tomorrow, we are headed to "Safety Day" where they will check baby's new car seat install and also have police and fire fighters there to greet kids with activities. Katie loves fire trucks, so hopefully she has a good time! 5 more days, Katie will get to see her Grandma! We haven't told her yet, but know she will be sooo excited! Need to start making the Elmo cupcakes soon...should be interesting. If they are decent, I'll post a picture later.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Bargains: Harris Teeter & Kohls
#1 - Harris Teeter is tripling coupons. Lots of free items, if you clip coupons.
#2 - Kohls has 10-20-30% off this week. Use the 30% off code online, along with free shipping. I got lots of great kid clothes, a halloween costume and wall letters for the nursery.
Happy shopping!
Friday, September 11, 2009
I'm a grown up
Here is Katie "walking the dog", in my slippers. She was doing it perfectly before we turned the camera on, then the dog wouldn't cooperate...but I guess that's what makes it so funny.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Bargain: Free song download
Amazon is giving away 1 million free songs. I know there are tons of ways to get a song, but it is fast and easy if you already have an Amazon account. Just downloaded one in about 5 seconds.
Click here to get yours!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Children's museum
We went to the Children's museum on Saturday and Katie had a blast. They have quite a few different areas - pirate ship, an art room, train sets, a science room, a doctor/dentist area, sound stage, and my favorite...a pretend grocery store and restaurant.
Here are a couple videos:
In other news - exactly 1 month from now we will be a family of four (whether she comes naturally or I go for my scheduled c-section). WOW!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Kiddie update
- Finished my last MBA course before maternity leave. I didn't want to risk another 6 week course, since it would be too close to my due date. So, I'm not officially 50% done...8 classes down, 8 more to go.
- Katie is doing great in her big girl issues at all. If only potty training were this easy (we're still not making any progress there and I don't want to push her). Hopefully Grandma or Mom Mom will have better luck and can train her for me.
- Last appointment at the maternal-fetal medicine specialist didn't go so well. The mass above baby's kidney has grown in size and changed shape, so they are now seeing me every week for testing. They have a pediatric surgeon and pediatric radiologist on call for after the birth, in case anything needs to be done. We'd probably go to Chapel Hill for the surgery, but hopefully it won't come to that. They are going to discuss if I should just deliver in Chapel Hill, but I haven't heard an answer on that yet. It was a sad appointment, but at least hubby was there too and helped me think of questions. I go back on Tuesday and am hoping for better news, although I don't think the mass will shrink at this point. Keep praying!
- I am 90% sure we've picked a name, but don't want to announce it yet because I'm letting it sink in. Stay tuned.
- Katie has been having a great time at the pool and we may be taking her to the beach this weekend. She's already told us she won't go in the water, which is probably good since the hurricane is passing by NC on Saturday and waves/undertow are supposed to be bad. Check out my little pip!

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Thoughts and prayers
The mass is measuring about 1x1.5 cm and all the findings are being passed onto a pediatric surgeon, as well as the hospital so they can be prepared. The silver lining is that all her organs are functioning perfectly (heart, brain, etc) and I have great amniotic fluid (which would not happen if her kidneys were not functioning). We are trying not to worry and will take it day by day after she's born. We are hoping it will go away before she's born (unlikely now that I'm getting close to delivery) or that it will be a benign issue that can be left alone.
Either way, all thoughts and prayers are much appreciated. I will keep everyone posted as I continue to be monitored by the appointment is in about 10 days.
As you can see, she's already being a drama queen before she is even born (notice the hand across the dramatic!)

Thursday, July 30, 2009
31 weeks - 2 months to go
-18 inches long and will gain another inch in the next week
-around 3.5-4 pounds
-able to hear distinct sounds
-practicing opening and closing her eyes and breathing
I've started to get sore over the past two days and may have to break out the Tylenol soon. I feel like I'm walking around on "tree stumps" (as my mom would say) because my legs feel like swollen blobs. Breathing is starting to get difficult as my lungs lose space, so I can't really take a deep breath like I would like to! Sleeping is not fun and I get up every few hours, usually to go to the bathroom and to attempt to find a position that is somewhat comfortable.
I will leave out some of the less glamorous details but...let the complaining beginning!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Beach bum

"Hmm..this one is no good...back it goes!"

"That was tiring, carry me home." (Mommy wishes someone would carry her too!)