They say that kids should go to the dentist after their first couple teeth have appeared. Well ,life gets in the way sometimes...oh well. Today, Katie went on her first dentist visit. Of course, it wasn't without tears but they were super gentle and kid friendly. The dentist told her how they were going to use a tiny mirror to look at her teeth while singing the ABCs, then they would put magic fairy dust on her teeth (fluoride) while singing 'twinkle twinkle'. It all sounded good to Katie, until the procedure began. They had me hold her so she wouldn't be intimidated by the big chair, so it really was as comfortable as could be. The second the dentist entered her mouth, the tears started to flow...but they really made it as fast as possible. As soon as they stopped, she stopped crying and just hung on to me while they went over the results...
Katie's teeth looked very good and she had no cavities. They said they see a lot of cavities in smaller kids because of bad brushing, sweets, etc. Luckily, Katie doesn't really like sweets and only gets a few ounces of juice a day. They did say her teeth looked a little more crowded than they would like, which sometimes means that her adult teeth will come in close together...but they said the braces discussion is still a far way off.
Grandma and Grandpa - you pay for braces, right? ;)
Overall, it wasn't an awful experience and they don't need to see her back for another year. The trip ended with a new green turtle toothbrush and a choice of prizes, but she was still "recovering" from the ordeal and so I picked a pink turtle for her. Since then, she's been carrying the turtle everywhere and had to call Grandma to tell her that her teeth were pretty.
Luxembourg and the Netherlands
11 years ago
Grandma and Grandpa loved the phone call, and hearing the dentist was nice, her teeth are pretty and that she got presents: a turtle. I hope Grandma doesn't get blamed for passing on the large, overcrowded teeth gene. :(
I want a green turtle toothbrush!
Oops, I was wrong and she corrected me this morning. It is a green choo choo train brush.
You can take your kids to the dentist when they are 1 or 2 years old. Most of them will get intimated or scared at first, but it's completely normal. So I guess you can take her again to the dentist when she turns 4 or 5.
-Bianca Jackson
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