Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Break: Part 2

Happy Easter everyone!

Before Katie wakes up, I'm going to attempt the rest of our spring break recap.

Since we were only 10 miles from JMU, we had to go visit, take pictures and get some JMU goodies for Katie. Our first stop was the arboretum, where the flowers were in bloom and Katie was thrilled with the ducks and geese.

She even took the time to stop and smell the cute!
Our next stop was the quad. It was 11:30 in the morning, but it was a the students were still in bed. Katie had the quad to herself and loved running around and going up the steps of Wilson hall. I think she fit in very well...future Duke?

Look closely...can you find my peanut?

Later in the week, we traveled an hour south to the Natural Bridge zoo. I don't think Katie could believe she was looking at real animals, but enjoyed feeding them nonetheless. Yes, it was difficult for me to watch unknown animals touch my child, but I did disinfect her after the visit.

"Hi llamas, please don't eat me."

The giraffes were awesome and you were even allowed to touch and feed them...which I thought was a little odd.

The goats were just the right size for Katie and they love food, even though I'm sure they get fed plenty. They followed Katie up and down the fence, hoping she'd drop more food their way.

Before we left the zoo, we came across an alligator that Katie loved. It may have been her favorite thing at the zoo...and it wasn't even real. Let's hope she isn't this friendly if she comes across one in the wild. "Algate algate!"

"Buh bye algate, I wuv you"...

We had a great time on our week away and sadly had to come back home. Hopefully we can plan another vacation soon!


Heather said...

What a fun trip. Glad you guys had an enjoyable spring break!

Mike said...

Next birthday present for Katie... life-sized Alligator... Check!

Grandma said...

Someone needs to control Uncle Mikey and his gift buying.

Melissa said...

This made me laugh out loud! Katie is a funny girl. Algate... haha.