Saturday, December 20, 2008

An early gift

Sometimes it really is the little things that mean the most. My aunt was going through old photos and found a picture of me, at 1 year old. She couldn't believe the resemblance to the holiday picture of Katie. She scanned them both and emailed them to me and I am just shocked.

The two pictures are below. I can't even stop looking at just amazes me. Obviously this wasn't meant as a Christmas present, but it is one of the coolest things anyone has ever sent me. It almost makes me want to cry looking at it. My baby looks just like me!


Heather said...

Jessica, I cannot believe how alike you and Katie look--you guys could be twins--isn't it fun to see parts of yourself in your child. Oh, I'm glad Katie liked the video of my husband and "Claus"! Have a merry Christmas!

Melissa said...

WOW is all I have to say! That is crazy how alike you two look!!! My favorite thing is that you both like to say that things are "#1". Must be genetic. Hope you guys had a great Christmas!