Friday, September 12, 2008

Green mommy update #1

A few months ago, I decided to trade in some of my "old ways" for greener alternatives...not only for benefits to the environment, but in hopes of protecting Katie, as long as I can. Here are some of my product reviews.

Muti-purpose cleaning:
  • Vinegar and water - you really do get over the smell after awhile...and it is only short lived. I've been using this solution to clean our kitchen floors now that Katie is crawling everywhere. I also use it to clean down her highchair cover (and everything else that she gets messy during mealtimes).
  • Method Grapefruit all surface cleaner - toted as a naturally derived, non toxic cleaner. I've been using this to clean kitchen counters because I love the scent and feel that it does a better job than vinegar. Bonus - it is biodegradable.

Kitchen sink:

  • I've been sprinkling baking soda all over the sink and then dousing it with vinegar. I do love the "sizzling" sound it makes and hope that indicates some breaking down of dirt. After it sits for awhile, I use the baking soda/vinegar paste to scrub the sink and then wash it all down the drain with hot water. It has been working fairly well, but does not get it as sparkly as windex or other steel cleaners.

Baby products:

  • Placemats - I've always been paranoid about having Katie eat off restaurant tables, especially because she can't use a plate (it will just end up on the floor). After numerous meals out, I noticed some kids with disposable placemats stuck on the table. I looked into them and found that they were very convenient and had pull off sticky strips that stuck to the table. When you were done with the meal, you just roll it up and toss it. The more I thought about it, it seemed very wasteful, not to mention expensive. They run about $8.99 for a 15-20 pack. I went to the store and instead purchased the Tiny Diner Placemat. It rolls up and fits in a diaper bag and also uses suction to adhere to tables (although they don't always work on vinyl tablecloths). It has been working well so far and I'd like to think that we're saving a few trees by not purchasing all the disposable placemats.
  • Seventh Generation Free & Clear dish soap - I've been using this to clean Katie's bottles, sippy cups and bowls/plates. It is non toxic, no dyes, colorings, etc. I will admit that it does not get as sudsy as a typical dish liquid, but her things get clean nonetheless. I also like that I'm not using a colored, fragranced soap on her things.
  • Method baby wash - I'm still using this and you can read more about it on my previous post.

Those are all my reviews for now. I'm currently on the search for "green" hardwood floor cleaner and toilet bowl cleaner. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the method hardwood cleaner. It really makes my floors shine!!

Jess H.