Both parents are so happy and Jamey is doing great. I wish them the best in their new "adventure" as parents. It is the craziest, busiest, most rewarding job on Earth! You can never really understand, until you have your first. Welcome to the club guys!
Luxembourg and the Netherlands
11 years ago
Thank you for posting the pictures of my great-nephew Jamey and his mommy & daddy.Its hard when you live a good distance away from family...I know pictures will be fort coming but I'm delighted to see these.Thank you again!
BTW...Katie is absolutely adorable.
Glenn's Aunt Jackie
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! I was hoping to see some pics but I know they are all busy. I'm surprised my Camera Dad hasn't sent any out yet. Do you have a picture phone? I was hoping for a pic on my phone to send to Jacquie as she does not have internet at her new house in Greeley & is just dying to see a picture of him.My # is 303-947-6895, if you could do that I will send it on to her.She is just dying to see her new cousin!
I am so jealous that I can't be there, I wish so much I could be closer to my little sister as she goes through all these wonderful stages of new motherhood. Babies...I love babies! Please give my sister the hugest hug for me & tell her that I am thinking of all 3 of them & wish I could be there. She looks so great! I am so happy for both of them!!
More pictures! Have fun with your little one too, they grow up so very very fast & suddenly they are out of the house & gone.
Love to all,
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