Friday, June 13, 2008

Mommy is going green

I caved and got a mommy's helper/nanny/house cleaner to help me out. This week was her first week and I think it is going to take some getting used to. As soon as she arrived, she started cleaning my stove. I was upstairs, talking to my boss, when I smelled the fumes and ran downstairs to "rescue" Katie. If anyone has ever smelled oven/stove cleaner, it is AWFUL!

After that incident, I told her that Katie can't be around all those chemicals and I was again motivated to "go green". I've looked into making my own cleaners before, but just like homemade baby food, I don't always have the time. So, I did some research and went out to buy some Seventh Generation and Method cleaners. Has anyone used these? I've used Method a couple times, only because it was grapefruit scented and thought it would be nice. I didn't know it was non-toxic until recently. I'm really interested to find what others think of these cleaners. I'm also going to start using white vinegar and baking soda, as I hear that works really well.

On another note, I found Method has also come out with a new line - MethodBaby. The line includes diaper cream, lotion, shampoo and wash. They have one set of products for babies and another for older kids. They have a baby hair/body wash made of rice milk that I'm going to try out. Also, it is in a pump container...a definite bonus. I've been using shampoo and wash bottles for Katie's baths and it is a pain to open and close them every time (especially with wet hands).
As I try to go green, I will post product reviews here. Wish me luck and let me know if you have any favorite products!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also like California Baby care products. You can get them at Weggies.

I totally commend you!!! We need to think about our kids and grandkids futures on this planet. Every change makes a difference!

Jess H.