Friday, June 27, 2008

9 month milestones

Katie had her 9 month appointment this week and everything was great! She's meeting all her milestones, which include: waving, clapping, crawling, standing, saying Mamama and Dadada and using the pincer grasp.

Below are her latest stats:
Weight: 19 pounds, 3.5 ounces - 60-65th percentile
Length: 29.5 inches - 95th percentile
Head: 17 3/4 inches - 70th percentile

Thankfully she did not need any shots and only had a heel prick to test her hemoglobin levels, which were good. They mainly told us to keep doing what we're doing (or not doing) and start to introduce table foods. Let the fun begin!


Anonymous said...

Is clucking a milestone?

Unknown said...

that's what she said

Jess said...

Yes, it is calling "imitation"

Anonymous said...

And I am pretty sure she is saying "Dog" and will say "OOF, OOF" if asked, "What does doggie say?". I'll admit, it's probably not what you want your 9 mo. old to be saying on a regular basis... but Grandma surely thinks it is funny. :)