Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tooth time

I first noticed it a couple days ago and now that everyone has stuck their finger in her mouth, it is confirmed...her bottom, front tooth is on its way! She hasn't been particularly fussy or drooly, so I'm hoping it doesn't bother her. Maybe this will make her eat more!

She also took her first trip to the farm, this weekend. It was baby animal day, so she saw a baby calf, chicks, goats, lambs and piglets. She also saw lots of other human babies...which she found very interesting. I'm loving her sun below!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEY! Teeth! The first ones are so cute! No teeth yet for Lola. That's a good thing for me since she's nursing. Mali got her first in around 10 months.

-Jess H