Did you ever think about all the preparations that we make to pull off a great holiday? Not just talking about gifts, but every little thing that eats up so much of our time before Christmas. Last minute wrapping, food lists, shopping, baking, making decorative bows out of ribbon (yes, I did this today...glitter everywhere), cleaning...and the list goes on.
Sure, many would argue that not all of those tasks are necessary, but we all put ourselves through at least a tiny bit of pain to pull off the perfect holiday (whatever that means to you). Of course, it becomes all that more important when you have kids. You want to make sure everything is perfect (if you are me, at least) and that everyone has a great time. I try to enjoy every part of the holiday preparations, but sometimes it is hard when there is so much to do. Tonight I had a few last minute errands to run and I took Katie along (even though we were out past her bedtime). She loved it...it was dark out, she could see Christmas lights everywhere, we went to the town center where people were out shopping and enjoying their time together. Yes, that is what the holidays are all about.
So on this 22nd day of December, I say I'M DONE! I do not plan on doing anymore wrapping, cleaning or shopping. Maybe things won't be perfect, but they will be good enough...and I will spend more time with my family.
(NOTE TO JR: You can edit this post, just like you editted my Christmas card letter...but I won't care)
Sadly, I still have school work to worry about...but there is always Sunday ;)
Luxembourg and the Netherlands
11 years ago