Target is offering a great deal for anyone that needs diapers or formula.
1. Go to the baby section at
2. Put 3 items in your shopping cart (to save 10%) or 4 packs (to save 15%)
3. Spend $50 and get free shipping (this is easy to do if you pick one of the boxes of value for the money anyway)
4. Enter code: URTYJLI8 for an additional 10% at checkout
Note: I had 1 box of formula ($90), 1 box of diapers ($35) and 1 small pack of diapers ($6) in my cart. The extra 5% (between getting 3 and 4 items ended up being about 6 bucks) was more than a pack of Up & Up I added an extra pack of diapers to get to 4 items and my total actually went lower than it was with only 3 items.
Overall, I got formula for about $3 per can cheaper than in-store and got about 300 diapers for about $30 (and it will be coming right to my front door). This is a great deal and works with all the name brands, as well as the Target brand!
Luxembourg and the Netherlands
10 years ago